Tonight I had the pleasure of hanging out with a few of my favorite ladies. I hosted a Southern Living party and honestly by 6:00pm, party starting at 6:30, I was asking myself Why did I agree to do this? Looking at a catalog 6 weeks ago at Mindy's party and seeing all of the beautiful home decor I'd love to own but really shouldn't spend money on...I decided to host. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Then it turns out my party is the night before I fly to FL, suddenly not such a good idea...or at least, not good timing. The food, the paper becomes an expense too. The inviting...will they or won't they come? By this afternoon, David was so tired of hearing me fuss that he made me promise to never, ever host a thing like this again. And I agreed.

But 6:30 rolls around and I begin to see a few smiling faces headed to the door. Ladies I love but rarely get to see...well, I may see them but it's in passing, with kids in tow, and places to be, and a "hello...I'm fine...let's get together..." is all we can squeeze in. So maybe a Southern Living party didn't enable me to fully catch up with every woman in the room but I got a little bit of unhurried time with each of them, which is better than 100 hurried moments with any of them. And it was worth it. Why don't we do that more often...for no good reason at all? The next party I host is a "no good reason" party. Anybody up for that?

Thanks for coming ladies...and I will get some pretty stuff for the new house!