Sunday: 2800 people attended Elevation yesterday!

Monday: I have a bad head cold.

Sunday: We launched a new curriculum with full stage production in Quest. It turned out great and we served 70 kids in our room!

Monday: David also has a bad head cold, he's home sick.

Sunday: Worship services rocked! An amazing message from Pastor SF addressing church growth, exciting news about plans to directly address Elevation's explosive growth, and great music.

Monday: Stripping pee pee sheets off the bed before I've even had my cup of coffee.

Sunday: I took a great nap with my honey, we love Sunday afternoon naps.

Monday: I had trouble getting out of bed when the alarm went off due to my cold medicine hangover.

Sunday: It rainied, we needed the rain. My flowers and grass are looking much better than this time last week.

Monday: David headed to work to open up despite his bad cold, and his car broke down on the way. Bad cold and car breakdown.