I had plans for a completely different post, and I'll get to that later, but not before I share one of my "joy of mothering" moments. About an hour ago, Lily got gum in her hair. She was eating herb & garlic chips, courtesy of Gina, and chewing hard Halloween goodie type gum, also courtesy of Gina. Okay, so basically I blame Gina. Somehow the gum ended up in the hair, full of crumbs and green bits of herb. At first it dangled, just barely on the edge, easily trimmed out, but by the time I could get Lily near the scissors, she had smushed it in. This all went down at our church office and a friend there recommended peanut butter, so I paper clipped the affected chunk of hair and headed home. I happen to be out of creamy peanut butter and although Gina had given me some great creamy organic peanut butter today, I was afraid it wouldn't be oily enough. So we opted for our jar of crunchy. Lily then had gum, full of herby crumbs and now peanuts. I assume the oil in the peanut butter is what helps get the gum out so if a little peanut butter oil helps, how much better to add some olive oil to the mix? Herb, garlic, nuts and olive oil...the child had a salad in her hair...all held tightly together with gum. I envisioned the gum becoming oily and loose, enabling me to pick it out but what actually happened is we created a sticky, stinky paste that required dish liquid to wash out. After rinsing her now lemon-scented hair, we followed with two rounds of Strawberry Suave Smoothers shampoo for kids. I think we have successfully removed the gum! And her hair was able to top off the salad with a lemon-strawberry smoothie. She should have one happy head of hair.

P.S. I don't always leave Gina's with so many food items, we must have looked hungry today!