Tuesday we attended a small group leadership training and our parting gift was a bag of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. I'm not a big jelly bean fan, but I do enjoy Jelly Belly...it's not just a candy, it's an adventure. It's fun to taste and guess and occasionally spit out the mystery beans. (I apologize if you were driving behind our vehicle Tuesday night!) The kids and I enjoyed this little game, David was less enthused.

We ended up with quite a few beans we deemed non-edible. It didn't take long to figure out we do not enjoy most of the green colored beans, and a variety of others. So what to do with all those beans? Pitch them in the nearest trash receptacle? Oh no, that would be too simple. When you're 4 and 5, there are apparently a million things a bad tasting jelly bean is good for. First, they asked to use a bean to lure a fly. I thought this was cute (and smart), so I agreed...one fly, one bean, right? Wrong. I later found a line of about 40 jelly beans in my foyer...and no fly to show for it. Luke cleaned them up with little resistance and I again thought they would make it to the garbage. At bedtime I found jelly beans all over his floor, when I asked WHY? he simply said "It's my jeddy bean co-wection"...how do you argue with that? This time I cleaned them up myself and personally placed them in the garbage. Finally the jelly bean saga was over.

But then, what was that sticky gunk stuck to my bathtub? You guessed it, jelly beans. Apparently they were involved in a sink or float experiment. Yuck. I am done with jelly beans...do you hear me Easter Bunny? No jelly beans!