Like I said last week, I'm trying to transition from emailing weekly updates to blogging. So far I've had only 3 of the dozens of people on my "Weekly Update" email respond that they visited the site. I'm sure others did, but I think some people resist change....or effort. An email comes right to the inbox, a blog visit requires an extra click. But I constantly had people asking me to add this friend or relative to the email, and I usually forgot to do so...this way, we can just pass on the link...everyone's happy, right??

Now on with the update. Elevation was packed this Sunday, over 2000 in attendance on weekend after the holiday...we're breaking all the rules about church attendance, I don't think God is keeping up with current church plant statistics on growth...nor does He care to! Our current series is "Confessions of a Pastor"...this week's confession was something to the effect of Sometimes other Christians get on my nerves. Can you relate? It was a fantastic message about acceptance and love in the body of Christ replacing judgement and criticism. Check it out here (listen or watch, every cool!).

We're recovering from an awesome vacation. I say recovering because good vacations are followed with a bit of a hangover. Extra laundry, bare fridge, back-to-work can be hard to get back into the swing of things. Mindy and I grocery shopped at 10pm Saturday...let me tell you, characters do their grocery shopping at 10pm!