Yesterday was David's 34th birthday. This post is a little tribute to him...Happy Birthday David, Dave, Davy, Hummel, Buddy, Tito :)

I'm just crazy about my hubby. I love him in a way that's almost scary, to know that my happiness is so intertwined with another person. One of the things I love most about him is that I know him like no one knows him...and I'm a selfish person so that suits me well. I love to laugh and he's funny. But the kind of funny that he only shares with people he loves. His humor and words are not wasted trying to fill uncomfortable silences or impress others, things I'm guilty of doing. He's quiet, and yes, there I times I wish he would give me more...more info with more detail, more of what's going on in that brain of his; but I've also learned that quiet doesn't have to mean angry or sad, quiet can mean comfort and contentment.

David is by far the most loyal and forgiving person I know. I am so proud to be his wife. I can honestly say I don't know a single person on this earth that doesn't think highly of him. What others think is certainly not the measure of a man, but having the reputation of integrity and kindness he does is admirable. And what a great daddy! When they were babies, he was a diaper champ. Now messy hands and faces, public bathrooms, baths and bedtime...he has never considered any of these things to be my job.

David and I have been a couple for almost 12 years. You might think that after a dozen years I would lose the tingle inside when I hear is key in the door, and now his ring tone. Still there, quite certain it will never go away.

Happy Birthday, my love. I look forward to celebrating many more with you!