I am hoping David is so busy at work he does not browse my blog. If he does, he may not come home this evening...or at least not in a timely manner.

I am moody. No need to beat around the bush or pretend otherwise. I use the term moody because I am not feeling 100% negative, just yuck enough to make my good-mood moments fleeting. The day is not all lost to gloom and doom, but will probably tip the scale toward blah more readily than bravo. It is indeed that monthly biological time of inclination toward increased emotionalilty mixed with saying good bye to family (one of my least favorite things to do) mixed with one or twelve too many bills, mixed with Monday.

Lily woke up easily and dressed herself for school with no fussing (this is a BIG deal for a Monday people!). And we arrived in time to drop off in the carpool line rather than me having to get out in my pajama pants to sign her in just minutes late, which had become our Monday routine (it seemed we were destined to be unable to get our acts together on Mondays).

But any day that starts with an airport drop off of not-here-long-enough relatives is surely tinged with sadness.

We had a really nice weekend with my in-laws..and the Bucs won!

But it felt too short. Visits always leave me feeling like we need just one more day.

I just listened to a great podcast sermon on effective prayer by Pastor Willie George. His message, in conjunction with the truths my own pastor is teaching on prayer in our current series are really causing me to reflect on, and revise, my current view and methods of prayer.

But it gave me no scriptural foundation to believe Ed McMahon will be on my doorstep any minute. Rats.

The weather is beautiful.

But I'm crampy, so I have no desire to go outside.

There you have it. Moody. Yes, I can still recognize the many things I have to be thankful for, I am not down in the dumps of self pity, I'm just moody. And this too shall pass.