After taking Lily to school and getting Luke settled with breakfast and a cartoon, I tossed his school clothes on the couch and headed to the shower. I had a dentist appointment so I needed to be ready-ready before I took him to school. Usually I'm just pulled back, no make up...but at the very least, real pants (as opposed to the pajama pants that are often worn to Lily's school). My getting ready is a drop Lily off, I'm just dressed enough to be able to maintain minimal dignity if I were to get a flat tire or be pulled over for speeding. Luke's drop off requires walk-in so I attempt to match and have brushed my teeth and hair. But I digress, today I had to be ready-ready since I had an appointment. Shower required (I usually skip the early a.m. shower because I'm trying to begin a routine of working out after taking Luke to school, I said trying.) While I was in the shower I heard him yell out. I immediately knew what the problem was...he couldn't get his pajama top off. I don't know why pajama shirt neck-holes are smaller, but for some reason, he struggles to get his pj shirt off every morning. Usually I'm in the room with him, he grunts, I yank the shirt off and he's able to finish dressing himself. But this morning, I was in the shower. He walked in the bathroom very frustrated to see me unavailable for his request. So I talked him through it, step by step led him to take his own shirt off. Because the neck-hole is smaller he has to take it off in a different manner than his usual one-handed over the head pull that men (even little men) do. I talked him through freeing his hands then using two hands to pull the shirt over his head...and he literally scampered out of the bathroom with quite a grin of pride. My first thought was, Why didn't I ever take the time to teach him before, rather than just swooping in and doing it at first grunt? You know the ol' give me a fish I'll eat for a day, teach me to fish I'll eat for life? (or something like that?)

My next thought...and stick with me, sometimes I feel like God is in the shower. He's still around, still able to see me through the steamy glass but His hands are busy. I know He is able, so I feel like maybe He's just not quite willing to help when I make my grunt for help...for the same problem I've been grunting for everyday. I've been feeling like that lately. I never doubt His presence or His love, I've just been struggling with feeling like I've been left "unattended," to fix "this" on my own. The second I heard Luke cry out today, I knew it was the pj shirt. We go through this everyday and I honestly get tired of hearing him fuss over it daily. I wonder if God feels the same way, I've been crying out over the same thing over and over. So there must be something He's trying to teach me. If what I ask for is not against His will or what I know to be true in His word, there must be a greater good in Him not just "fixing" it for me. He's a much better parent than I am, so if I was willing to give Luke the step by step directions to lead him to a solution for his problem, I believe God is willing to do the same for me. Maybe this isn't the most spiritually accurate thing you'll read today, at least for your sake I hope not, but this is seriously what I grappled with this morning as I finished my shower. I loved Luke no less as I directed him to a solution rather than just fixing his problem, in fact it took more of my time and compassion to talk him through the shirt issue. And he was so proud when he felt the success. God could, in an instant, "fix" any problem in my life...His word says nothing is too hard for Him...but He loves me enough to take the time to lead me to lasting solutions and the joy that comes from that successful journey.

Luke will quite possibly yell out or grunt or fuss tomorrow when it's time to take off that pj shirt, but I can remind him of today's success. And I'll be reminded that my success is sure, if I listen and follow directions.