Luke's preschool hosted a good ol' fashioned fall festival this morning...the kids wore costumes, we decorated with ghosts, spiders & such, we even said "Happy Halloween" need to waste time with political correctness, just Halloween fun!

Lily let me fix her bob into a perky "cheerleader" style. This is a very big deal, I was thrilled!

Luke informed me his Grandma lets him eat candy at night (in his attempt to convince me I should let him dive into his goody bag way past bedtime). I know she does, she's not here.

As she trick-or-treated, Lily told those passing out candy at their doors "Happy Halloween," this may seem small, but very few children I gave candy to tonight had time for such niceties. I was proud of her gracious attitude.

Unaware he was being watched, Luke performed a variety of Power Ranger karate style moves as he walked down the street, he was watching his own shadow "copy" his moves. Very funny.

Lily began giving out her own Halloween candy when our goody bowl ran low. We could see many trick-or-treaters headed our way and were going to turn out our porchlight, but she wanted to keep the fun going. It was her version of the Bless Back Project I suppose. Her daddy advised her to go through and pick out what she didn't like, but she even gave away the good stuff!

David carried Lily's pom-poms all night. The man won't carry my purse to the car if my hands are full and my life depends on it, but he'll carry pom-poms for over hour for one very special cheerleader.

We had a lot of fun getting to know our neighbors better, this is a nice place to live.