I have not blogged about Elevation in quite awhile. That might give the impression that nothing much is going on but in fact, the opposite is true. SO MUCH is happening at and through and with Elevation right now that each time I think of typing an update I feel overwhelmed. So I have avoided the task all together. Shame on me. I still can not even begin to pick up where I last left off (I think my last "update" was an August post about our new children's curriculum...which by the way has been HUGELY successful!). But, I have to share some of what's going on...it's too exciting not to talk about, and honestly, everyone at Elevation and in our area is, so this is more for you out-of-towners!

Check out this link to the front page news and then this link to see for yourself!

Side note: David called early this morning to reprimand me for my earlier post. He said something to the effect of "There are people about to run out of water and you want the rain to stop?! You shouldn't say that!" Maybe my exclamation points are a stretch. He probably kept his typical intonation. Anyway, on behalf of my husband, I am sorry. And it is still raining.