We're back home after a great long weekend in Florida. And there are so many things about the weekend I need to blog about...the beautiful wedding we attended, the many friends and family we connected with, sleeping in, afternoon naps...all the things that make a great getaway. But I just have to share this while it's fresh...

About 75 miles from home, cruising down interstate at about 75 miles an hour...we heard a large thud. The kind that makes you cringe. David and I looked at each other, examined the road ahead and behind...nothing.The Explorer continued to drive fine, no shaking or rattling. We just kept going and didn't give it another thought, until...

We arrived home about 9:45pm, David began unloading the back and I began cleaning out the backseat which looked like our toy box and snack drawer had exploded. I also barked orders to the kids...head upstairs, brush your teeth, get your pjs on...it was a chaotic time. A few minutes later, I saw David head to the mailbox. On his way back up to the house a terrible look crossed his face and he did a little heebie-jeebie shiver as he darted away from the front of the vehicle. (We had backed in, so going to the mailbox was his first glimpse of the front of the SUV.) I yelled, What's wrong? and much to my dismay, he said, You know that noise we heard on interstate? It's still on our car.


I won't gross you out with the details. Let's just say, smaller than a breadbox but bigger than a loaf of bread. It wasn't at all gory, it just seemed stuck. Yuck. All I could say was, We're like the dad-gum Griswolds. Only, if this had really been a Lampoon's movie, the critter would have resurrected and attached itself to Chevy Chase's head.

David is no wimp, but dead animals are not his thing. He's no hunter, you won't catch him going after a snake with a shovel, just not that kind of guy. He doesn't like live critters much less dead ones. But I'm so proud, with no complaints he boxed and bagged our grill-mounted creature. About 10 minutes after we made our discovery it hit me that we had gone through the Chick-Fil-A drive thru about 30 minutes after the thud. I wonder what they were thinking!?! I'm just so thankful we found it before I filed into the carpool line this morning!