I very recently prayed these words (or something similiar):

Lord, I won't to get my hopes up, I trust you enough to know that if this isn't the solution we've been looking for, that You have another plan, You know better than I do so God I just won't get my hopes up for this. I trust you to provide the solution...

See what I did there? I expressed my deep trust in God by resolving myself to not get high hopes when presented with an opportunity that might be an answer to a specific area of prayer in my life...because I know it might not be the answer, so being the great woman of faith I am (?), I'll trust God to open and close the right doors, and in the mean time, I'll stay neutral.

Pretty good, huh?

So why did God bring this verse to mind? Regardless of translation, two words are consistent: faith and hope. I like the word "substance" in the KJV. To me, this verse says that my hope, and putting action to that hope, substance, is faith. So by deduction, lacking hope as a means of self protection, and even a misguided demonstration of faith, is not. My intentions were good, I really do trust God, and I don't want to imply to Him that I might think I know best by really getting excited about one thing, insinuating I think I know what's best. But you know what? God doesn't need my help discerning my heart or motives. He is not capable of misunderstanding or assuming or falling prey to false implications. He does know best, and He knows that He knows best, and doesn't need me to reassure Him of such. And His word says, Hope. Put action to that hope. Trust Him with my hope. That's faith.