David had planned to join us for Lily's first day of kindergarten. He's great about making their milestones a priority. But with last week's sick day and this week's holiday, it wasn't a good morning to take off. He's got a great job, great boss and coworkers, and he doesn't take that for granted or take advantage, so he went on to work and wished me good luck. But I know he checks my blog, so here are a few pics so he doesn't have to wait until 6pm to see how it went.

Headed out the door...

We made it just in time! Yes, Luke is in PJs. I chose my battles wisely this morning, not the day to pick that fight.

Seated at her desk, wondering why we're still hanging around...

A quick goodbye hug to brother...

I know the grandparents in Florida will be anxious to see these pics as well. I do not have pics of Luke's first preschool drop off. It was not a Kodak moment. I'm not quite ready to talk about it. But here's a quick God is good moment. After an extremely painful drop off experience with Luke, I went to work out. I was not attractive with my swollen eyes and red nose, trust me, you'd have cried too, but I had to do something to stay busy. Where I work out is right by Lily's school, and can you guess what class was on the playground as I drove by? Yeah, Lily's. Of all the times, of all the classes, there she was...and the playground is her favorite place. I needed that moment. She was handing something to her teacher, if she hadn't been off to the side like that I'd have missed seeing her. The scene looked so natural like she'd been going to kindergarten her whole life.

Standing in Luke's preschool bathroom sobbing after he was peeled off of me screaming, I couldn't help but wonder why my prayers for God's intervention in that situation had gone seemingly unheard. I still don't know why this has to be so hard, but I am certain God has been with us all morning and He remains vigilant over Lily and Luke as well. That's His promise, not that things will be easy, but that He will always be there. And if we keep our eyes open, He gives us playground moments when we need them most.

And David, it was the big playground, not the "baby" one she fussed about last week!