Yesterday my suspicions were confirmed and the rash on my forearms that I've been calling "the funk" is indeed poison ivy. I didn't know I'd handled ivy of any sort, much less the poisonous one, I still don't know what the plant looks like and I'm not sure how David worked twice as hard and twice as long in the yard and didn't manage to get in to it, but with all my unanswered questions, the itch remains. I've been treating it with cortisone cream but after waking up this morning to itch gone wild, I made run to Walgreen's for some good ol' calamine lotion. Ahhhhhhh. Instant relief! As I type this, I'm feeling fine, and if it weren't for the pink gunk all over my arms, I'd forget all about it. The label says to apply only three to four times a day, but surely that's too conservative. If I could afford enough bottles, I'd fill my tub and soak in it...
Cal gon amine, take me away!