In about 2 hours, David's going to stand up from his recliner and announce he's headed to bed. If I don't say immediately say, Me too, he'll kiss me good night and head into the bathroom to brush his teeth as if it's no big deal. But then a little dance begins. I'll continue watching TV, reading, or whatever it is I'm up too, and he'll reappear. Even if I don't look up I can feel him staring me down. I know what he's up to...he's trying to lure me in...into the sleep. The man can't stand going to sleep without me. He'll poke his head out of the bedroom door, then stand in the hallway and just watch me...until I finally say, Guess I'm headed to bed too. We could cut out the dance and he could say, I'm headed to bed, will you come with? and of course, I'd say, Sure. But instead, he pretends he doesn't really need me to come with him, I'll pretend I've got other things to do...he's testing me to see if I'll get up and follow, I'm testing him to see if he'll come back for me. It's our thing.

So for number 9, I thought I'd talk about the true joy of marriage: sleeping together. (As in really sleeping...although there's a lot to be said for the not sleeping too, on a blog that isn't read by my dad). But we love, love, love sleeping together. Don't need to be spooning or even touching, just want to know the other is right beside. Neither of us like to go to bed alone, but because he gets up earlier and is usually more wiped out at the end of the day than I, he's usually ready for bed before me and thus starts the dance. Our "need" to go to sleep together has increased with time, maybe because there were a couple years with two newborns back to back that no one got much sleep and falling asleep (and staying asleep) together was rare.

Sleep is the most vulnerable thing one can do. Eyes closed, body shut down. I think sleeping is a physical expression of trust, at least, sleeping well is. And because sleeping together is so sacred to us, one thing we have never done in our 10 years is slept apart in anger. Neither of us have ever retreated to the couch. We're probably just both too stubborn to be the one to give up the bed.