Tomorrow David and I celebrate our tenth (in case you missed that!), and today, I wrap up my list of ten whatever it's been as I've counted down to the big day. Here's your warning, today's post will probably be the sappiest...and I mean every word.

I don't know exactly when I started dreaming about "grown up" life but whenever it was, I know my thoughts centered on being crazy in love, getting married, having a couple kids, a house of my own, being a stay-at-home mom...snuggling with my husband, reading to my kids, going to church together. Those really were the things I thought added up to the fairytale life. I didn't really think much about my career, or money, and I didn't think about having "stuff." I never imagined fancy cars or big houses, those were the things that some dreams are made of, nothing necessarily wrong with those things, they just weren't the elements in my fairytale. And never once as girl did I imagine a large checking account balance, didn't even cross my mind.

So this is what I've come to realize: I've got my fairytale. Yes, there are headaches, hurdles, and hindrances. No, life is not easy to navigate. But you know what? All of the things I did dream of are a part of my life today: being married to my very best friend, being the mother of his children, being able to stay at home with them...and not just going to church together, but helping to launch a church together. This is my life, the life I always wanted. And the things of life that can give me grief were never the things my fairytale was made of anyway, so keeping in mind that I do have what I've always wanted makes facing the tough stuff worth the effort.

So here's to ten years of living my dream. It's not every woman's dream, but it was mine, and still is to this day. And the best part is knowing that there's so much more to come because I believe the best days lie ahead.

And that's my number 10.