David and I are the best of friends, and so that's #7 on my Ten to Ten list. There is no one else I'd rather spend my time with, no one else who knows me so well, no one else I trust the way I trust him. We really are best friends, and not just on the deep commitment level of life, but the fun stuff, too. He's who I want to relax with, catch a movie with, hang out with, watch TV with...walk with, talk with, even just be quiet with.

As a single friend and I were chatting about the dynamics of female friendships, I was so happy to tell her, in all sincerity, that being friends with my husband has been the easiest relationship in my life. I know a strong marriage takes work. Trust.Me.I.Know. But it's "life" that makes it hard, just being with David is easy. Ten years ago, when I absolutely couldn't get enough of that guy, I probably thought that time and kids and bills and grown up stuff would change our friendship. And it has, but only in positive ways, because for 13 years, our friendship has proven itself. (And I still can't get enough of him!)

I wish this post was a no-brainer, duh...every wife is best friends with her husband. But I'm sad to say, I've seen that's not always the case, and I'm so very thankful for the friendship that we have. I never want to take it for granted, I want to guard it and protect it and be amazed in 50 years how much we still like one another.

Only 8, 9, and 10 to go and you'll be off the hook from the Erin and David marriage review...maybe next week there should be a quiz! But I must say, committing myself to to a daily list has really helped me get back in a blogging groove.