For anyone seeking deep, insightful writings try Jess' sight. She's always full of Jesus and I think reading her blog counts for having quiet time. But as for my post, I'm just stopping by for #5 on my way to ten things for ten years. For #5, I'm going totally random:

  1. We've had 7 different addresses in 10 years. Makes me feel like a nomad. Each move was purposeful at the time, but looking back, seems like a lot of moving. My sister-in-law has a little stitched pillow with a honey pot on it that says "Home is Where Your Honey Is" and that has proven true.
  2. We do not own a toaster or blender, and I bought our first cheese grater about 2 months ago.
  3. We've used the same joint email address for over 8 years.
  4. One of David's all time favorite movies is the original Willy Wonka & the Weirdo-Factory (okay, not really the title, but should be!). I've never watched it, don't plan to. We've borrowed the newer Depp version and I'm a little curious about it.
  5. Our first date was to Macaroni Grill. He was very quiet but so attentive and polite, opened all of my doors. He's still quiet, but no longer opening doors. Hmm. Our second date was to the movies to see Crimson Tide. Strange choice for a date movie, but we both enjoyed it. Our third date was 8 months later, and we've been stuck like glue ever since.