Only a few more days and the suspense of will she/won't she will be over. Lily's big dance recital is Saturday, and she's unsure as to whether or not she wants to participate. Okay, so she's sure she doesn't want to, and we're unsure as to whether or not we can convince her. She's only been in the class for about 2 1/2 months and from day 1 has said she will NOT perform in a recital. We've begged a little (but not too much!), we've bribed a little, we've even purchased the costume just in case, but so far she's not falling for it. It's very like her to love the dance, love, love it...but refuse to perform, it's just not her thing. Although I find it very disappointing, as does David who doesn't get to see her weekly classes, I also understand that dance is somewhat new to her, and I'm proud that the "all your friends are doing it" pressure doesn't seem to phase her. But the good Lord can part the waters and He can raise the dead, so I'm not giving up hope that she may have a change of heart.

Especially after what I saw last night. Last night the studio had a photographer on site to take photographs of our ballerinas...and recital or no recital, I want to get as much use out of that costume as possible. We did the hair, a light dusting of blush and her Disney princess lip gloss and wow...I know every mommy thinks her little girl is beautiful, and rightly so, but with her brown skin, dark eyes and striking long lashes, contrasted with the solid white leotard and tutu, I imagine it was a sight only matched by her wedding day.

So cross your fingers with me.

On the topic of the recital, I just want to give a shout out to Mrs. Jackie, Lily's dance teacher. Her approach to dance is to instill in our little girls the beauty and value we have in Jesus, and how we can worship the Lord through using our gifts to His glory. A dance to this Chris Tomlin song is one of the many worshipful moments the recital will hold, and that is why I most want my ballerina to participate. I can barely imagine the dance not for moms and dads, not for applause, not for stage time, but to dance for Jesus. Thank you Mrs. Jackie for such a vision. Recital or not, the lessons learned in class are lifelong lessons for Lily and for that I am so grateful.