I just haven't had much blog life in me lately. But here are few random things that coulda, woulda, shoulda been developed into singular posts but will become bullet points instead.

  • Luke used some of his birthday money (early) to buy a junior golf set...a real set, not a toy...that clarifer is important to him. Today, our first sunny day in several, he headed outside to golf and said I could be famous at this. And the "could be" seemed contingent upon his willingness to accept fame, not his skill level. He was confident he could be famous, should he choose to be. I like that.
  • I have 2 of 8 working light bulbs in my bathroom. TWO of EIGHT! Explains why my eyeshadow seems a little to heavy lately, huh?. The living room is down to 3/5, Lily's bedroom, 1/3, the breakfast nook 0/1...Why is my lack of bulbs noteworthy? David sells electrical supplies. Yes, that includes bulbs.
  • Mama's in the house! Home-cooked meals nightly...full pantry...and fresh, clean laundry magically appears stacked and folded at the foot of our bed :) Kids (David and I included!) are happy and spoiled, life is good.
  • Spring has sprung! As I sit here, my back door and kitchen windows are wide open...love it!