I feel totally blah when it comes to blogging. Just hasn't been my thing this week, or last week, maybe even the week before that. I'll assume it's just a passing dry spell, and won't throw in the blogging towel just yet. This has been a busy week, my parents are in town and we're having a great time with our Pa and Grandma. Lily and Luke are on Spring Break, so combine no alarm clock with a visit from my parents and we are in heaven! Lily also celebrated her 6th birthday this week, I started a post all about her and just can't get it together, so take my word for it: Lily had a nice little birthday...she's truly a blessing and brings our entire family great joy. She's silly and sassy and smart and creative. I'm so crazy about her. As I tucked her and Luke in on Wednesday (Lily's birthday) Luke said, Mom, when God was picking a girl and boy for you, I sure am glad he picked me and Lil'. Oh, me too buddy, me too.

In other Lily news, she had her first set of allergy shots today. The girl took it like a man....just stood there straight and tall while a shot was given in both arms. Didn't even wince or cry. I was SO PROUD of her! She said it's because she's 6 now.