Can I say prayers for a dog, Mommy?

That's when I knew 2 1/2 year old Lily meant business about adding a four-legged friend to our family. She was bringing out the big guns, playing the "prayer" card. Smart girl. I had been asking for a dog for 6 years at the time and David, who is not a dog lover, was tenacious in his refusal. That is until a tiny two year old posed the question and suddenly his firm no softened. It also helped our case that he was working night shift as a deputy so I added "we'd all feel safer with a big dog" to fuel the fire. Months later we added KC to the family, a beautiful Boxer, a true answer to prayer, and a perfect match for our family. It was love at first sight for Lily, and within days I would find Lily and KC snuggled up asleep on the bed, cuddling under blankets watching TV or just talking (yes, the have long chats). You could tell KC, who'd been needing a family, was as happy as Lily to have found a friend.
Lily will tell anyone who will listen about KC. Her teacher, her bus driver, neighbors, people in the grocery store, the video-rental clerk. She speaks of her as if she's a person. Just this morning she told me that KC was so excited that her (Lily's) birthday was coming up soon. KC was wagging all over (not just her tail, her whole body) and Lily was certain it was shared birthday joy.

Their joy was short-lived. Today we found out that Lily is allergic to KC, in addition to many other things. No, this isn't a tearful "goodbye KC" post, we're not giving up that easily, but we do have to make some changes. For starters, no more KC in Lily's bedroom...especially in Lily's bed. The bed the two of them shared every night.

After returning from the allergist, I stripped the bed and vacuumed every inch of the mattress, box spring, and entire room. Lily seemed to be coping well with the news and gave little indication she was upset about KC being kicked out. She seemed much more concerned about the weekly shots that will now interrupt her life. But then bedtime came and about 20 minutes after I tucked her in, I returned for a peek and found her sobbing quietly, missing her KC. What do you say to ease that pain? We cried together. I held her hand and prayed for God to bring her comfort. She questioned why God didn't just make her healthy so she could sleep with the dog. Again, what do you say? More tears. I listed all the ways God has been good to us throughout this long process, such as her allergy to KC not being severe enough to dictate removing the dog from the house. Praise the Lord. I know it will get easier, and I know allergy shots and diet changes are relatively small health issues so we are truly thankful. But tonight, I have one brokenhearted 5 year old and that "sickness" has no easy fix.
*P.S. The always helpful Luke has suggested we get a duck for a pet, sadly, Lily is allergic to feathers as well so that will not work out.