I know a little about a lot. Let me rephrase that: I know a little something about a lot of things, but not a lot about any one thing. Sad but true. But it's never really been a problem, in fact, it works for me. Want to discuss the weather? I can at least mention my mom's obsession with it, and I'm a Florida weather expert: it's hot. Want to chat about sports, not my bag, but I know enough about a few teams, a few sports, to at least appear interested. Talk about history? Okay, not a history buff, but I can remember enough tidbits to adequately converse. And so on and so on. However, as a mom, I'm in deep trouble. I do not know enough to satisfy my children, and it's getting harder by the day to fake it. Lately, stingrays and hovercrafts are the topic of discussion. I know about one sentence worth about either. That's about all anyone else would be interested in, however it's not enough to satisfy the curiosity of a 4 year old boy. Do they...can it...how about...why is...what happens when????...I DON'T KNOW! Today I deferred to my dad. I said Luke, Pa will be here in less than 2 weeks, ask him about stingrays...ask him about hovercrafts. He's lived a long time and he's done a lot of stuff. Luke's response...Huh, he doesn't look that old. How about you ask him and let me know what he says, but don't tell him I'm the one who wants to know. Deal.

Pa, brush up on stingrays and hovercrafts. Don't tell Luke I blogged about it.

Without trying to draw parallels to my spiritual life as to appear much deeper than I am, my Bible study has recently been discussing pride and humility. I believe God gave me children to help keep me humble. I am frequently reminded I'm not as smart as I think I am, my home cooked dinners are often described as gross, I'm regularly told my butt is big, and tonight Lily told me she wasn't sure if I'm pretty. All this and I have no idea how deep a stingray can swim.