I am not athletic (shocking, I know). I throw like a girl; my hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills leave much to be desired. Running takes my full concentration so attempting to catch, kick, or throw while running is a joke...and I hate to sweat.

Along with my inability to effectively play sports, I find watching them on TV to be boooooorrrrrring. I also find myself steaming mad when pondering the gazillions of dollars professional athletes make while firemen, cops and teachers are grossly underpaid. I get the driving forces of visibility, endorsements, demand, etc...but it still stinks. So wrap all that up in a package and you get one un-sporty chick.

(I do feel the need to add this clarifier: my distaste of sports does not apply to kickball. How can you not love a sport that all ages can play together from Cody in diapers to Lisa in college?? First base at Grandma's barn post, second: a shirt or wet beach towel, third...whatever's around, maybe a life preserver off the boat, maybe a foil pan from a recent BBQ...and don't forget to watch out for the rocks around the fire pit as you round home plate! Okay, so I do like my kick ball. I would probably even watch kick ball on TV, except I'm sure they'd jack it up by adding rules and not including "ghost-man" players.)

But back to not liking sports...if I had to pick my favorite sport, it would be spectating. Last night I added professional basketball (Go Bobcats!) to my list of fun spectating experiences, and I was reminded that I really love going to live sporting events. I love the noise, the random people, the overpriced concessions, the head-band wearing preschoolers who obviously know more about the sport than I...love it, love it, love it. I must say it's even more enjoyable when someone willing to talk during the game is sitting right beside. (David actually likes to watch the game, what's up with that?) Just clap when everyone claps, groan when everyone groans, pick up on the catchy hand clapping tunes...love it!

Big thanks to Phillip and Anita for broadening my horizons by taking us to the game. You guys made great spectating partners, you'd be first round draft picks on my professional spectating team. How can you not pick teammates that'll cross lanes of traffic when the Hot Now sign is on at Krispy Kreme? Sure, that has nothing to do with the sport, but that's the beauty of spectating, the sport is somewhat irrelevant (at least in my world). Good conversation and warm donuts, now that makes any sport worth my time!