I did a little painting today. I like to paint. Notice, I said like. What keeps me from loving to paint is the fact that I'm so bad at it. The finished product looks fine but the process is hardly worth it. First, I have a little ADD issue so by the time I prepare the area, gather the materials, pour the paint, and make my first few strokes, I'm over it. Done. Ready to move on. Now, because I have a strong work ethic and enough self control, I'm able to stick with it until the job is done (or in today's case, until the preschooler needs to be picked up). The bigger problem is the mess I make. You know those people who can paint an entire room or piece of furniture and not get a drop on them (I'm thinking of Amy C right about now)...I am NOT one of those people. After a half hour of painting, I appear as if I've wrestled a paint monster...and lost. Now imagine how I look after I've been at it for hours. Paint in the hair, on the face, covering the hands, smeared on the clothes and dripped on my shoes. Today I had the pleasure of doing this in front of a half dozen men who had to be getting a kick out of my harder-than-it-should-be paint experience. I can only imagine how hard they laughed when I was out of earshot! Regardless of their inevitable laugther, let me say thanks to Chris for making our fun and functional Quest furniture and Cody for setting me up for as successful a painting experience as a mess like me can hope for!

I'll be back at it tomorrow, wish me luck!