In my effort to lighten up a little this week, I've decided to follow Mary Beth's lead and tell you 6 quirky things about me. By the way, Mary Beth, you missed the SIX kids thing, that's a little quirky in itself!

1) I call David "Daddy"...I started this a couple years ago when Lily was going through a short lived phase of calling him David. I started to address him as Daddy for her benefit. It stuck, but I don't think either of us noticed it until a friend mentioned she finds it creepy. (By the way, friends who drink warm water should not throw stones). FYI...he does NOT ever call me Mommy, I would take issue with that. I do however wish I was Spanish-speaking and could pull off calling him papi cause that's kinda cool. I also call my real father Daddy which can lead to confusion when we're all together.

2) I never pick the first item off a shelf or rack unless I have too. I pick from the back, and suddenly feel very ashamed to admit I rarely take the time to fix whatever mess I leave on the shelf or rack by digging through.

3) I call a shopping cart a "buggy" and pants are often "britches" (not so much quirky as southern).

4) Physical quirk: the inside of my left ear is dark bluish-purple. It is a birthmark, not: ink, a tattoo, a hearing aid, a quarter or any other foreign object. Just born that way.

5) I am very afraid of frogs (and toads, I call them all frogs). I have tried to talk myself out of this irrational fear, but my heart rate increases and scalp tenses the second I see one (or think I see one), so I know I'm not just being dramatic, it's a real (however ridiculous) fear. Growing up in Florida was tough, frogs taunted me after every rain. I shiver at the mere thought.

6) I have a thing for names: nicknames, middle names, rhyming names. Most people I hang around have a made up nickname in my head, whether I ever voice it or not. Sometimes it's a rhyming name, sometimes it's their "rapper" name, sometimes it's just first and middle (even if the middle name is one I've made up). Ask me sometime and I'll tell you yours.