Today I let go. Something I wanted badly.

It started out innocently enough. My "wanter" was pretty generic at first, I wanted something, I wanted more. Fill in the blank, I wasn't so sure myself. But then my wanter got specific. I wanted "it." And I knew it. I had a clear picture, I could see it, and I liked what I saw. And the fear was gone, the "what ifs" faded, and I felt a fresh excitment. But feelings can be deceptive and no matter how clear it seems, the picture I have will always be just a miniscule speck of a gazillion piece puzzle that God alone sees.

And He said no. Maybe it's a not now. Maybe it's a not yet. Either way, it's no. And it's tough. And though the God of the universe owes me no explanation, He gave a few good reasons. 3 in fact, and they are enough.

But letting go is never easy. And the ache I have with closing this door feels similar to the ache of leaving home. Letting go of something good because God has called me to great.

And I am stronger than I thought I was, because it takes great strength to let go.