Since my last post, we're actually on snow #2 for the year! Unfortunately, neither have allowed for primo play time. The first snow was followed by freezing rain; the second snow, which had great potential, started later in the day than forecast and has yet to accumulate enough for man or angel making. Maybe it will continue to build through the night and stick around long enough for some winter fun tomorrow.

Either way, we're still thoroughly enjoying the white stuff, even if for no other reason than the way it makes an ordinary roof top or empty field look so beautiful. I love to listen to the soft noise of the snow hitting the ground, to lift my face to the sky and let the icy flakes sting my nose and eyelids, it's all such a new experience for me, I feel like a big kid! It's cute to watch Lily and Luke stick out their little tongues hoping to catch a flake, amazing how many flakes can fall before the tongue gets a "hit." I'm so glad they're experiencing the best of both worlds in their childhood...snow in the winter, sand in the summer. Please note my "so glad" is relative to the fact that God called us to the Carolinas and not the Dakotas!

Bonus for the day - We have not parked in our two car garage a single time since moving here last June. First it held boxes, then furniture we weren't using, then we "inherited" an air hockey table, then items for the community yardsale, then the swing set pieces...always full of something. I didn't think much of it until winter rolled around...icy windshield, cold leather seats, brrrrr...I must have fussed just enough because today, moments before the rain shifted to snowfall, David cleaned out the garage to make room for the Explorer on one side. What a guy!