Do you ever get sick of yourself? And I'm not talking about self loathing, I mean just being a little sick of wearing your same ol' sinful skin. Man, I am there. It really hit me Tuesday night, after I made a little dig at David about something that I've been making little digs about for the better part of a decade. Just minutes later, I headed out the door for my Bible was time to switch gears, be spiritually mature and all that jazz. On the drive there, I began to rethink my words. Had I really just said something to the effect of "You never blah, blah, blah" for like the one-millionth time, sounding much like a spoiled child? If I'm tired of saying it (regardless of how creative I try to make my generic fussing), I can only imagine how tired he is of hearing it. Every time I think I've made some's seems to be one step forward, two steps back.

Fast forward to Jess' living room. Night one of Beth Moore's Daniel study. It wasn't long before Beth (yes, we're on a first name basis) was really hitting a nerve with me. me. me. It's all about me. I make it all about me. And if I'm honest, I really get tired of me. So once again I'm reminded how sovereign and loving and personal our God is, how very, very personal. His perfect timing. After I'd argued with myself on the drive there about my behavior and how tired I am of those same patterns, Beth helps to connect the dots. This is going to be a great study, just what I need. Less me, more Him.

So I'm still pretty sick of myself, but I think it can be a good thing.