I have just enough coffee to make a very small pot, yielding only one full mug...but that's enough to go perfectly with a slice of the coconut cake that Jessi made me yesterday. Mmmmm. With that stimulating breakfast, I'll have an hour's worth of housework done in 15 minutes, but then I'll crash when the sugar high ends. Guess I'll have to refuel with a Red Velvet Butter Finger cupcake after lunch. (Also made by Jessi, with Holly's recipe).
Side note: Disregard #25 on the list below :)

With those baking skills and the education she received Thursday night on her girls night out with the old married ladies...although we may have confused or scared her more so than educating her, sorry J...she has all the tools in place to get hitched. Except a guy who deserves her, I'm not sure one of those exists. But I am accepting resumes on her behalf.