Last night was our Momtourage end of book/Christmas social. I admit I had debated not body still ached all over from my scooter-tumble, I haven't been sleeping well at night so I really wanted to get to bed early and David made it home at a decent hour for the first time in weeks, so it was hard to have somewhere else to be. So like I said, I had several reasons to blow it off, but one great reason not to...I LOVE those chicks!

About 30 minutes before I needed to depart, I spilled tomato sauce all over me and decided to squeeze in a quick shower. Ahhhh....dark outside, fresh and clean from the shower, achy body...I had no choice but to put on my pajamas. I love pajamas. Specifically, cozy pajama pants. If you have known me any length of time, you've probably seen me in pajama pants. Maybe you didn't even realize it, it's very likely I have attempted to pass them off as regular pants in your presence. Sometimes I sport them with matching pj top, more often with whatever tee is clean and comfy.

Now we all know, strange dynamics often occur when groups of females gather. We give thought to whether or not we are the heaviest or oldest in the room. We wonder why our house doesn't look as clean as the hostess, although she's spent 12 hours cleaning before we arrived. We also like her drapes, the color of her walls and the square footage of her living room more than our own. And we would never, ever wear our pajamas to a holiday social unless it was a cutesy-themed pajama party, then we'd go out and buy new pajamas. Right?

Momtourage must be an abnormal gathering of women. Who's the oldest, who's the heaviest, who has the biggest house? Who cares? And no matter how great the hostess' home looks for the evening, I am quite certain we are all aware that at noon on Tuesday no one's house is as tidy as they'd like it to be. And most importantly, I think any one of us would attend in our old pajamas on any given occasion if it so suits our mood.

So with a fat lip and my flannel pj pants, I joined in the fun as we compared favorite "cheesy" movies and swapped old boyfriend stories. Every few minutes, we'd get a little deeper and voice the fears we have for our daughters or the insecurities we have in our friendships (or was that just me?). Regardless, I may have been the only one wearing pjs, but we were all in a pj state of mind.