Today was Luke's preschool Christmas program. He was such a champ, he sang and did all the hand motions to the songs (at least he did in between the waves to Lily, Mommy and Daddy). I struggled to hold back tears, how was this the same child that I left kicking and screaming on day 1?

While there, I noticed many of the kids giving the teachers gifts...over achievers I thought to myself, giving the gifts a week before school is out. Those on-the-ball moms were just showing off, I haven't even begun to shop for teacher gifts.

As we left the building, Luke's teacher hugged him good bye and told him to have a very merry Christmas. Huh?! Say again? Is there no school next week?

AHHHHH! Somehow I completely missed the fact that Luke's school is a week ahead of Lily's for Christmas break. I can still hear his director saying at orientation that their breaks coincided with the county schools. Apparently not all of their breaks. Now I'll be doing a little rearranging of my schedule. I had actually agreed to help out at David's office and was looking forward to making a little extra Christmas money.

I feel like such a doofus, we didn't take gifts to his teachers...and I love his teachers...what kind of mom doesn't even know when school is out? You'd think the special program would have been a clue!