Maybe to you "neighborhood drama" means loud parties or a risque yard sale (actually saw one of those today) but not in our 'hood...I'm talking drama, as in theatrical. A third grade neighbor has decided to write a Christmas play and wants all the kids on our street participate. It's turned into quite the situation as my two refuse to participate leaving the parts of one wise man and a cow un-acted. Today in our mailbox we received a typed script and a marker drawing of the necessary costumes. Again, Lily and Luke refuse to participate but she's not giving up. She conned them a little today by asking if they'd just stand in for other children who weren't available for "rehearsal" hoping they'd decide to join the fun. Her plan backfired when her older brother came out and informed her that her script isn't Biblically correct, causing a front yard screaming match. Tis the season. My two little ones, who dread confrontation, high-tailed it home. No Mary and Joesph baby-mama drama for them.