I think the heavy fog we've had hanging around our area today must be crazy-haze. From Luke trying to convince me that his Spiderman slippers are adequate school shoes to Lily thinking it was appropriate to label assigned seats at the dining table by writing names at each spot with a marker (on the table!), today has been a day of odd battles. Regardless, I don't want the weirdness that has been my Monday to overshadow such a nice holiday weekend, here are just a few of my favorite highlights from the holiday weekend:

-David was dressed, nicely, by 7:30am on turkey day, shirt tucked in (to show off his new belt, his words, seriously). He became my official kitchen helper...peeled potatoes, washed dishes as I dirtied them and just provided something lovely to look at :)...what's sexier than a man with his sleeves rolled up, wrist deep in sudsy water?

-I learned a few things at the big parade: you're never too old to join a marching band and well, that's the only lesson I'll share, the rest are less inspiring.

-Check out the table, our hostess went all out! Brad asked if we were allowed to use the napkins and I was so glad he did because I know David was wondering the same thing. And with a table like that, who needs pie crust?

-No alarm clock for 4 days in a row! I was up pretty early each day, but it was free will wake up.

-I'm the only one in my family who doesn't enjoy ice cream when it's freezing cold outside, I consider it a seasonal delight. Luckily, it was Aunt Lisa and Uncle Larry's treat, otherwise my kids would have been out of luck. That's what aunts and uncles are for right...ice cream when mom thinks it's crazy?!

There are so many *little* things that made the holiday weekend special...hanging out with my big sis...styling Jovic's Joyci's hair...the flowery plates that the guys were too manly to use. Good friends and family, good food and fun, old recipes and new traditions. Makes me wish times like these were more often, oh wait, Christmas is just a month away!