I've got a "catch all" cabinet in my kitchen that was beginning to look like it might soon throw something back. I decided I better sort through it while I had a free morning...I'd just throw out the things I didn't need and make room to consolidate some other "catch all" areas into this one. That was the plan.

Lily's nebulizer solution is in this cabinet and once the space was cleared out a little, there was room for the entire breathing machine and accessory equipment, and it certainly makes sense to keep it all in one area. Then I noticed how many pieces I'd managed to collect...the tubing, the mouth pieces, the solution chambers...so I began sorting them out. I decided to keep only what was absolutely necessary, sanitize what I was keeping, and then move on. But while I waited for those pieces to dry, I thought I'd take a quick second to work on another cabinet that needed attention, the one where I stick all the crafty stuff I come across...bottles of glue, paint brushes, stickers, etc. Made it through that cabinet fine (well, only a few minor sidetracks), but overall a success. Moved on to the the counter top below. Another success. But then I came to the next counter top, it's the little nook where I keep a few mementos from our trip to France, all needing to be dusted off. But handling them just got me wanting to look at the pictures, so I abandoned that chore completely to peruse my France photo album. But while looking for that album, I noticed how disorderly my albums were, so I began sorting and straightening them. And of course, I couldn't straighten photo albums without peeking in one or two or ten of them. Before I knew it an hour had passed; an hour full of "man I'm crazy about that David" and "they're growing up too fast" and "wow I miss them" and "oh, I'd forgotten about that"...and rather than organizing anything, I'd managed to spread photo albums everywhere.

Now that leaves me with one counter top full of nebulizer equipment, long since dry, waiting to be put away. One counter with French pottery and Eiffel tower knick-knacks, only half of which have been dusted off. A living room floor full of photo albums needing to be put away. And much less time to do it all than when I started.

So I decided to blog instead. That's just how I work.