Thanks Heather for passing this my way. Here are my 15 random things, a perfect way to end what has been a very random week!

1. I'm a rule follower.

2. I married David when I was 19 years old; completed my BA, Magna Cum Laude, two years later. (Eat that naysayers.)

3. I really enjoy random lists like this.

4. I have an excellent memory for the obscure and pointless, but struggle to remember the ages of my children's milestones, medical terminology, scripture references, or any other important information.

5. I have very eclectic music taste; my latest downloads included Pink, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and a string quartet album.

6. I cry at everything, from worship music to Hallmark commercials, and most certainly, Disney movies.

7. I get attached anything. Including house plants. And most recently, Rudy, our new betta fish.

8. I have kissed my husband, in the rain, under the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower.

9. The inside of my left ear is discolored like a dark bruise. It has a medical name, but I can't remember it (see #3) so we just call it a birthmark. It is not: medicine, a hearing aid, a quarter, a tattoo, ink stain from scratching inside my ear with a pen or name it, I've heard it.

10. I HATE frogs.

11. I love PopTarts. My favorite flavor is the Chocolate Vanilla Creme, which, despite the similarities, is not the same as the Oreo or Hot Fudge Sundae flavors.

12. David coming home in the evening is the highlight of my everyday. On Fridays, with the weekend ahead, I'm purely giddy. Yay!

13. I just overcooked a batch of cookies. They're done, but I prefer them slightly underdone.

14. When Lily was 4 months old, I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant with Luke. I corrected the nurse who informed me by saying, "No, my baby is in the waiting room."

15. I love to check email, flip through magazines or fold laundry while I watch TV, but it drives David a little bananas.