I began an exciting new endeavor today: substitute teaching. Wooo-hooo!

I completed my orientation last week (and by orientation, I mean, filled out paperwork...you'd probably be shocked at how little information subs are given before they're thrown to the wolves!), and my name officially entered the call-out system late yesterday. The guy who orientated? us encouraged everyone to be patient, he said it could take quite awhile before we had an opportunity to work, after all, there are over 1300 subs in this county's system.

Got my first job at 6:45 a.m. today. Somehow, when he said be patient and don't be discouraged by the wait, I thought the "wait" he was referring to would be longer than 12 hours. I'm glad I was wrong, I was so anxious to get started! Crazy, I know. I accepted the job at 6:45, still in my pjs, but was out the door with both kids by 7:18. But my hair was dirty. From now on I will go to bed with fresh hair so that doesn't happen again.

I have a feeling substituting will give me some great blog-fodder. I've been a little sparse lately, but nothing like an ever-changing stream of public school children to shake life up a bit!

I've already accepted a job to be an art teacher on Friday. Yep, that's gonna be a good one...