I hate back-blogging. You know...going a couple of weeks without blogging and then trying to play catch up?! Just stresses me out. I'm gonna bullet point a few key thoughts, then move on!

- I had a conference with Lily's teacher. I had to bite my lip to hold back tears as the teacher talked about Lily's recent improvements in writing and her mother-hen personality. Lily's teacher really gets her. Last year's teacher, though very nice, never seemed to know my Lily. Every conversation we had felt like it could have been about anyone's child. But as this teacher spoke about my Lily, I knew it was my girl she was thinking of and talking about, and that was the best feeling in the world. Trusting your child to a stranger is one thing, feeling like that stranger wants to stay a stranger is another...but seeing a stranger become a friend to your child...well, it's just much, much better.

- I really dislike dead batteries...I need two AAAs for my wireless keyboard, a 9V for Luke's RC truck... but I especially dislike the kind that cost $75 and are necessary for cranking an SUV. I do however get a good laugh when I think of me and Sewtrendi trying to figure out how to use jumper cables. That's probably worth the money right there. One day I'll be a "do it all" kind of chick, but I have a long way to go!

- As I've been catching up on blogs, I think I've read everything I would ever say about Catalyst on the blogs of others. I have been sufficiently "beat to the punch" so I'll just say what I haven't read on any other blog, which is how great it was to eat hotel lounge take out with my hubby in a plush, white king size bed at 10 o'clock at night while watching SNL reruns. Probably not the most spiritual Catalyst take away, but definitely in my top 5 moments from the conference trip. And it certainly deserves repeating what many others have said, our Pastor did an amazing job at Catalyst. The only thing the overwhelmingly powerful experience lacked was tissues. Clapping through an emotional standing ovation while wiping teary eyes and a snotty nose on one's own sweater is not as dignified a moment as you might think.

- Watching my parents over-indulge Lily and Luke with Wal-Mart goodies, dollar store junk, souvenir-shop stuffed animals and sweets of all sorts never gets old. Maybe it would if we still lived just 2 houses away from them, but 600 miles later, in the brief visits we get, I love it almost as much as the kids do. Sure I have to play the part of the stern parent and limit late-night donuts to just a half, but I love the mutual enjoyment those 4 characters find in one another. And speaking of spoiled, my parents drove 8 hours to babysit for us so we could attend Catalyst. I'd feel really guilty if it wasn't for the way my parents somehow make us feel like we're doing them a favor by pawning those crazy kids off on them. Thanks, Mom and Dad.