Luke and I were cuddled up in David's recliner reading a book about honey bees. Couldn't we all learn a little more about honey bees? I can't quote it verbatim, but the page about worker bees said something along the lines of: Worker bees are busy all day and rest only at night. Worker bees keep the hive clean. They take care of the queen bee and the eggs. Worker bees blah, blah, worker bees, blah, blah...

As I rattled off several simple sentences about the very industrious worker bees, Lily, who was in the kitchen, yelled out, Mom, that sounds like you.

Ya think? Am I a worker bee?, I replied.

Well, not a bee...a worker mommy!, she giggled back at me.

My typical m.o. would be to let mommy guilt wreck that moment, Oh no! The kids think I'm too busy, I don't give them enough attention. They'll be headed off to college before I know it. I've got to do some holiday baking with them this Christmas or they'll end up in therapy.

But instead, I just let it rest on me with ease, as my precious 6 year old's way of saying, She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:17 & 27.

Thanks for noticing, my Lily, my love.