What is it about Mondays? Nah, forget I even asked, I know what it is: it's a crash from the high of spending two days with my favorite fella...sleeping in on Saturday morning, a late breakfast - the heavy kind that fills you up way past lunch, getting things done around the house -rewarded by dinner out ...a busy Sunday at Elevation - David and I going our separate ways but meeting up for an afternoon nap, as if we had a 3pm appointment with that bed and that floor fan, ending the day curled up on the sofa with a book, TV off...quiet house. Nice weekend. Then wham, it's Monday. And raining. And the quiet house feels more like a dungeon than a retreat.

But with these quiet moments to get a few thoughts in cyberspace, and a list of household "to dos" that can now go uninterupted by drink refill requests, whines of boredom, or sibling scuffles, I'm reminded anew not to take this current solitude for granted.

And the rest of the day looks brighter, if not literally, at least figuratively. An evening with some of my very favorite ladies, but with no book to discuss this month, I wonder if we'll have anything to talk about.? Yeah right!?!