The original owner's of our home had apparently taken one thing to heart: neutral colors are best for resale. The kitchen's flooring was almost the same color as the pickled oak cabinetry, almost the same color as the mauvish counter tops, almost the same color as the pale walls that fill most of the house. Which made for one boring, slightly pinkish kitchen. A full kitchen overhaul is out of the question. And I don't know why it took me two years, but after a bold move at the paint counter and about $30 in paint and supplies, the kitchen walls are now Dutch Boy Chocolate Truffle. And the pale cabinets I'd come to hate have really grown on me in the past 24 hours as they pop off the chocolaty smooth walls. My camera battery is dead, but hopefully I'll post a picture soon. I couldn't be happier. Well, yes I could. I would be very happy to watch someone else finish the final trim work!