These are letters to Santa that I transcribed for Lily and Luke in December of 2005, when they were 3 1/2 and 2 1/2. Since David lived here in NC at the time, I mailed them to him, knowing they'd bring a smile to his face. I gave them the Dear Santa, and then they jumped in...

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Please bring me a little teddy bear with a bottle. And a four wheeler so I can ride it with my teddy bear. And I need a helmet, not a new one because I already have one. But it's lost so I do need a new one. Anyways Grandma ordered my four wheeler for Santa to bring me. I don't know what else to say.


It is so Lily to flat out tell Santa that she's been good, leaving no room for him to make that call. I also love how she acknowledges that Grandma has it covered. I guess she just thought of Santa as a glorified delivery man.

Dear Santa,

Happy Birthday. I want a big bicycle and a big motorcycle.
Happy Birthday. A four wheeler, a big motorcycle that goes fast like chtttt, chtttt, chtttt.


I'm sure Santa appreciated the birthday props Luke sent his way, especially since, thanks to Jesus, no one even asks about Santa's birthday. And in true boy fashion, Luke's letter comes complete with sound effects. What is it with boys and sound effects? As a guy himself, I'm sure Santa knew just what chttt, chttt, chttt meant.