Okay. Can I live in the flesh for just a minute? I need to vent. I will indeed repent a little later, and I'll mean it, really. But not just yet.

Someone said something rude about my husband. And I am fightin' mad. I don't really even know the guy. But I have met him and I do remember what he looks like so he better hope our paths don't cross, 'cause I'm mean. Just ask my kids.

Honestly, it wasn't a horrible comment, not really even an attack on him as a person. Just an unwarranted, ignorant, rooted in this dude's own insecurity kind of comment. But it makes me so mad because it's David. My David. Do you know my David? He isn't ever rude to others, nor does he critique others based on his own insecurities, so being the recipient of such is unjust. I can be a little catty at times. I've been known to rub people the wrong way. There are certainly aspects of my personality that I don't even like, so I can only imagine others feel the same. But David is, well, he's David. He's not perfect, but he's Pretty.Darn.Great. And I take offense to him being offended.

There you have it. My 3 minute rant. Read it quickly because chances are when David reads this post he'll request I remove it, which I will submissively do. I may even remove it myself when I've cooled down. But in the mean time, I'm a little perturbed and this is my platform. Sorry. Check back later for silliness and sunshine :)

And if I could have this guy's audience for just a minute, I'd say: Shame on you, (insert name here...and not his name, but an ugly name...maybe even a wash-my-mouth-out-with-soap name)...you're not worthy to even speak David's name, much less do so in a derogatory way. And watch your back. I may have to forgive you and move on, but David is where he is and got what he got because of the Lord's favor, and I wouldn't want to be the one running my mouth about that. I'm just sayin'...that's dangerous territory. Locusts and frogs, fella. Locusts and frogs.