When Lily was a baby, anytime she was dressed in denim I called her Too Cool for School Barbie. I don't really have any explanation for the odd nickname, and I'm quite sure Barbie never thought she was too cool for school; after all, she's been a teacher, an astronaut and a dentist, so she's attended more than her fair share of classes. Often shortened to just Too Cool, the silly name came along well before school was really on our minds, back when Lily wore jeans with snaps between the legs. But apparently, it was prophetic. Lily is indeed too cool for school. Or at least she thinks so. And I guess we've come to realize our whole family is; school has been cramping our style.

So there you have the lighter side of our family's decision to homeschool. I could probably write ten posts on homeschooling and still not adequately describe all the hows and whys of coming to this decision, so instead, I'll just leave it alone. Traditional school is not for us. At least not right now.

We made the decision months ago, spring time. But with the summer months still ahead, fall and homeschooling felt forever away. Until today. August 1st. Can you believe it? August!?! Already?!? I'd better get busy! Much like Barbie, I'm taking on yet another a new career.