I wonder if I smell like an elementary school cafeteria...

I wonder if I smell like an elementary school cafeteria and the scrambled eggs and toast I just cooked David and the kids for dinner...

I wonder if the perfume I put on masks elementary school cafeteria and scrambled eggs and toast...or makes it worse...

I wonder if the fresh coat of powder and mascara hide the fact that my makeup was first applied 13 hours earlier through half awake eyes...

I wonder if swapping out the loafers for the high-heeled boots made this outfit look less substitute teacher-ish and more dinner-meeting-ish...

I wonder if it's obvious that I'm putting more weight on my right foot than left foot because the heel of my left boot is broken...

I wonder if the food will be so delicious that I stop wishing I was at home on this cold, rainy night, curled up on the sofa eating scrambled eggs...

I wonder if the discussion will be engaging enough to drown out the "to do before Thanksgiving" list that keeps rolling through my brain...

I wonder if it's obvious on the outside that my daily "hat" changes are not seamless transitions on the inside...

I wonder if anyone else wonders the same...