Today is my 29th birthday. I don't mind 29, I won't mind 30. That number really means little to me. There are other numbers that mean so much more. The 12 years I have been in love with the same sweet man, the 9 years I've been blessed to have him as my husband. The 5 years I've been Mommy, the 2 precious children that call me by that name. The 600 miles I moved to serve the 1 and Only Jesus. The 2 campuses of Elevation Church and the nearly 2000 worshippers that attend weekly. I could go on and on about numbers that have far more importance than my age.

But I would hate to overlook an opportunity to examine the year that has passed and think about the year ahead. What if this year I care only about the things I should and not at all about the things I shouldn't? What if at 29 I could get that right? For me, the first step in the right direction is this blog. I've been thinking about blogging for awhile. It just makes good sense to me. I live 600 miles away from the people I spent 27 years of my life with so it's a great way to keep in touch. And besides that, I've been blogging in my head since childhood, long before blog was a word...just chronicling life, filling my brain with ponderings and such. What if getting all of it in writing got it out of my head? But a few big "What Ifs" have prevented my blog debut for quite a while now...What if people I know think I'm just jumping on the blog-bandwagon? What if I say something stupid? What if I have nothing to say at all? But What If I just didn't care so much?