House guests

Posted on 10:00 PM

We've had house guests for 2 weeks. First my parents, Penny the dog and my sister, Lisa. Then Mom, Dad and Penny left leaving just Lisa. A few days later Lisa's husband, Larry, and dog, Libby, joined us. They left this morning. Don't get me wrong, I love house guests, especially now that we have a house. Visits from our Florida folks are what keep us going between our trips "home." But just writing the above rundown of guest-traffic was a little tiring so you can imagine what it was like to live it!

The best part of having out of towners is taking the opportunity to do "touristy" stuff. Last week we hit Lake Lure for a picnic and a little mountain air and visited Lazy 5 Ranch.
The drive-thru safari left my Explorer full of animal pellets (the food!) and my face was sore from laughing at the kids' reaction to the up close experience...apparently emus can be very scary!

I'm sad to say that I didn't have my camera with me on either outing.


Posted on 8:13 AM
I'm addicted to iTunes. Friends said it would happen, I didn't believe them. I'm not even that big of a music junkie...but I am loving the iTunes and iPod. Two nights in a row I've gotten out of bed in the wee morning hours to download songs. Last night, as I jammed to a little Beyonce, David said "I didn't think you'd like it that much"...leaving me to wonder Then why did you buy it?...conclusion...HE wanted an iPod!


Posted on 8:35 AM
Dave gave me an iPod for my birthday. Really a great gift, he even had it engraved and it came gift wrapped with a cute red ribbon. I know I'm behind the times, 12 year olds everywhere are probably moving on to the next greatest techonological invention and I'm just figuring out how to scroll my finger around the circle to find the song I want to hear. But I love it, it'll be great for road trips to drown out the Wonder Pets or Scooby Doo blasting from the DVD player in the backseat.

Big thanks to my main man...and to Brad and Mindy for the song hook-up :)

What if at 29...

Posted on 11:55 PM
Today is my 29th birthday. I don't mind 29, I won't mind 30. That number really means little to me. There are other numbers that mean so much more. The 12 years I have been in love with the same sweet man, the 9 years I've been blessed to have him as my husband. The 5 years I've been Mommy, the 2 precious children that call me by that name. The 600 miles I moved to serve the 1 and Only Jesus. The 2 campuses of Elevation Church and the nearly 2000 worshippers that attend weekly. I could go on and on about numbers that have far more importance than my age.

But I would hate to overlook an opportunity to examine the year that has passed and think about the year ahead. What if this year I care only about the things I should and not at all about the things I shouldn't? What if at 29 I could get that right? For me, the first step in the right direction is this blog. I've been thinking about blogging for awhile. It just makes good sense to me. I live 600 miles away from the people I spent 27 years of my life with so it's a great way to keep in touch. And besides that, I've been blogging in my head since childhood, long before blog was a word...just chronicling life, filling my brain with ponderings and such. What if getting all of it in writing got it out of my head? But a few big "What Ifs" have prevented my blog debut for quite a while now...What if people I know think I'm just jumping on the blog-bandwagon? What if I say something stupid? What if I have nothing to say at all? But What If I just didn't care so much?